Software Developer

Aspiring mind. Enthusiast of imaginative worlds, dark chocolate, and espresso.



Hi! Welcome to this little space about me :)

I'm Haylie, an aspiring software developer with a passion for creating elegant solutions to complex problems. When I'm not coding, you can find me exploring new technologies, admiring nature's beauty, or enjoying a vanilla latte while reading the latest fantasy novel.

My journey in software development started with a curiosity about how things work, and that curiosity has only grown stronger with each project I undertake.

About me



Personalized music recommendation engine that leverages Spotify's API to analyze listening patterns and generate curated playlists.

ReactJavascriptCSSSpotify APIOAuth


Comprehensive pet adoption platform that streamlines the match-making process between shelters and potential adopters.


c4c admin dashboard

Full-stack administrative interface developed for Code4Community that optimizes partner management across multiple servers.

ExpressReactCSSNode.jsREST API


First website I built! An engaging, responsive website showcasing the art and history of the wonderful peanut butter cups.

HTMLCSSResponsive Design


Voice-controlled code completion tool that combines Deepgram's speech recognition with OpenAI's language models.

Project Image
PythonDeepgramOpenAITypeScriptAPI Integration


Learning platform that automatically generates interactive knowledge graphs from educational content.

Project Image
Next.jsCSSMachine LearningOpenAIGraph Algorithms



Crew Trainer


2021 - 2022

Oversaw the instruction of new employees and guided coworkers through the fundamentals of job requirements. Enhanced team collaboration through developing clear communication strategies and tools.


Sandwich Artist

Crust Kitchen & Bar

2022 - 2023

Greeted customers as they entered the restaurant and prepared various food items. Honed problem-solving skills to address real-time challenges in a dynamic work environment.


Office Assistant

Northeastern Office of Student Employment

2024 - Present

Support office operations using ServiceNow, Workday, and Excel to process data and manage workflows. Facilitate effective communication and collaboration through Teams and Outlook while assisting students with employment-related needs.


Software Developer

Northeastern Electrical Racing

2024 - Present

Develop and maintain team website utilizing TypeScript, React, Prisma, and Express. Optimize site development workflows with Postman and Docker containerization.


...in my life ♡

The team :)
Us at the final ceremony !!

First Hackathon @ HackMIT

September 2024

Started my hackathon journey at MIT! Met some amazing people and made even better friends :)

Speaker Event
DevFest Board
Inside the Building

Google DevFest !!

November 2024

Attended Google DevFest, gained hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies and connected with a vibrant community of developers. (Ate a lot of yummy food)

Finishline Website
Team meeting

Joined NER :)

January 2024

Joined Northeastern Electric Racing as a software developer. Now working on the team website and learning about electric vehicles!

Painted Laides Houses
The team :)
Google Speaker

CalHacks, San Francisco Trip

October 2024

Made my very first trip to California! Developed a VS Code extension at CalHacks that enables hands-free programming.

currently on repeat ♡